Dienstag, 6. Juli 2021

[ #kultur ] Pop Culture Versus Real America

This book is the learner's edition of Pop Culture Versus Real America.

The world is often misled by pop culture images of the United States. Through pop culture, the world sees a certain sort of American: vain (eitel, ...) and oversexed (sexbesessen), miserly (kleinlich, mickrig) and self-obsessed (besessen), prone to violence(gewaltanfällig), a bit nutty (ein bisschen verrückt). That image is ripe for debunking (entlarvend). Portraits in this book are drawn from real life, not entertainment. What they present is a nation of real people, at once large-hearted, hardworking, painstaking, imaginative, stirred by fellow feeling and, on the whole, quite admirable (ganz erstaunlich).
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